Board Development

When board members take an active role in fundraising for your organization, their passion powers your progress. Fund development is one of the most important responsibilities of any board, as your organization's future depends on its success. Whether your board members are new to your organization or need a fresh perspective, The Solvent Group can invest board members in the work that lies ahead. Blending seasoned advice with practical tools, our approach pinpoints your challenges–and amplifies your opportunities.

Our Scope of Support Includes:

  • Group board trainings

  • 1:1 board member trainings

  • Facilitated sessions on key topics

  • Board surveys

  • Reviewing and refining board-related documents, policies, and procedures

What this looks like:

You will be paired with a Solvent Group strategic consultant and a team of strategists backed by decades of marketing, communications, nonprofit board, and fundraising experience. You will establish a meeting schedule with our consulting team, based on your specific training needs. Consulting timelines depend on a number of variables: planning to date, board and staff capacity, dedication, and your overall fundraising strategy. We will craft a timeline and cadence to meet the needs of your organization. 

Interested in crafting a board development strategy to fit your needs, or interested in one or more components of the scope above?

Solvent Clients Speak:

 “Christie was able to summarize a huge body of knowledge and work through illustrative stories that helped the board grasp the top-level concepts….Afterwards, every board member in attendance sought me out to tell me about the light bulbs that went on for them during the presentation. One said, ‘She was able to summarize a lot of important things we need to know in a way that made sense to us. She helped us see how we might actually do things.”

Deb Lake, The Pathfinder School Board of Trustees